The Pediatric Center Blog


Strep Throat in Children

Strep Throat in Children

Strep Throat causes swelling and inflammation in the back of the throat and the tonsils, sore throat is a common sign of Strep Throat in children and young adults. If not treated promptly, this disease can lead to other potential serious problems. At the Pediatric...

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Sleep Apnea in Children

Sleep Apnea in Children

Sleep Apnea in children is a common problem that affects about 2% of children with many more still undiagnosed. At the Pediatric Center in Idaho Falls our physicians are there to help you with any concerns you may have concerning your child’s health. If you believe...

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Scabies in Children

Scabies in Children

What is Scabies in Children The scabies rash, caused by microscopic mites that burrow into the skin’s upper layers, is an extremely itchy and contagious skin infection. Scabies is an infection that can be passed not only in children, but people of all ages. What are...

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Ringworm in Children

Ringworm in Children

Ringworm can be localized to a particular area of the body or it can be found all over the body. It usually affects the scalp, feet, groin, arms, legs, and other places. Ringworm is usually itchy and can become painful if the sufferer scratches the affected area...

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Pertussis in Children

Pertussis in Children

Between 1940 and 1945, around one million cases of whooping cough were reported. However, after the vaccine was introduced later in the same decade, the number of pertussis in children was drastically reduced. Pertussis in children causes: shortness of breath vomiting...

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Molluscum in Children

Molluscum in Children

What is Molluscum in Children? A poxviruse is the source of molluscum in children. The poxviruse causes a relatively common skin infection in children, producing harmless, non-cancerous flesh colored growths in the skin’s top layers. Molluscum disease  is spread...

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